The agent showed advantages of good rust cleaning , simplified process , less pollution and easy transportation 试验结果表明工艺流程简单,产品除锈效果显著,适于快速作业,且方便运输。
The theory analysis and experimental result of oil barrel rust cleaned by high pressure water jet show that after the steel container is cleaned by water jet , its deep level structure rust does not affect the oil quality really , and does not product new mechanical impurities , and this clean way can clean various oil container in high quality 摘要对经过高压水射流清洗后的钢油桶锈蚀进行了理论分析和试验检测,结果表明,钢容器经过高压水射流清洗后,深层次锈蚀对油品质量没有实质影响,也不会产生新的机械杂质,该清洗方法能保证可靠的清洗质量。